PADI Fish Identification Speciality
"What was that fish"? If you want to be the scuba diver with the answers, then this course if for you. You will enjoy your dives even more when you can recognise the creatures that you see"
PADI Fish Identification Speciality Overview
You’ll find you enjoy your dives even more when you recognise the creatures that you see. The fun part about this course is you can use the skills you learn on every dive because once you learn the main fish families and characteristics it will help you decipher the species you see all over the world. For example, a butterfly fish in the Caribbean has a similar shape to a butterfly fish in Southeast Asia, but their colors and markings maybe wildly different. If you know what fish family it belongs to, it becomes much easier to look up the local name or at least be able to intelligently ask the local scuba instructor what you saw. That works better than asking about a “yellow thingy with a funny tail fin”!
What Will I learn on the PADI Fish Identification Speciality?
During two open water dives you gain hands-on (ok, eyes-on) experience in looking for and identifying the fascinating fish you see underwater, you will learn:-
- How to identify characteristics of local fish families and species
- Fish survey techniques and strategies
- How to practice fish identification dive planning, organisation and procedures
This course is ideally suited to being completed on a Dive Rutland Trip.
Prior to any Diver training course students need to complete a Mandatory Medical Questionaire.
Please ensure that you have read the Medical Statement and are sure that you will be able to commence any diver training PRIOR to paying as our Training Terms Conditions apply after payment has been made.
A doctor's confirmation of fitness to dive is required if you answer YES to any medical condition on the Medical Statement.
You can check out the Medical Statement here:
PADI Courses:
PADI Medical Statement
SSI Courses:

Red Sea Safari
Our team of highly experienced instructors will be on hand to guide you through every step of the way, and to make sure you have a safe and enjoyable diving experience.