PADI Dive Against Debris Speciality - AWARE
Marine debris is anything that doesn’t belong in the ocean. Typically, marine debris refers to trash discarded by humans: plastic, glass, aluminium cans, fishing nets, etc. Ocean debris is costly to marine life and people.
Background to the PADI Dive Against Debris Speciality
The Project Aware Foundation is a registered non-profit organization of ocean adventurers that hope to preserve and protect the marine ecosystem. Their Dive Against the Debris® program aims to alleviate ocean pollution by debris removal and reporting.
Every year tens of thousands of marine animals and seabirds die from eating or getting tangled up in marine debris - or trash in the ocean. Marine debris also damages habitats, makes coastal areas unattractive to visit and is expensive to remove. As much as seventy percent of the rubbish entering our ocean sinks to the seafloor; only divers have the skills to tackle underwater marine debris.
In 2016 alone, divers reported 1,624 entangled marine animals, and“ghost fishing nets" caused thousands of dollars of damage to fishing communities and countless loss of marine life. 70% of marine debris sinks to the seafloor.
Dive Against Debris® was created by divers, for divers. Only divers have the training, knowledge and skills to remove marine debris from underwater
PADI Dive Against Debris Speciality Course Overview
For many people, marine debris is out of sight out of mind. Thankfully, divers have the unique ability to bring to the surface what’s going on beneath the waves. In 2011, Project AWARE launched Dive Against Debris, and since then more than 30,000 divers in 50+ countries have geared up to protect the ocean and the creatures who live there.
A Dive Against Debris includes two important parts: debris removal and reporting. Removing rubbish improves the underwater habitat. Reporting what you find helps reveal the extent of the global marine debris crisis. Without debris data, scientists and conservationists can’t advocate for change.
What do I need to start the PADI Dive Against Debris Speciality Course?
- PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification (or qualifying certification from another organisation)
- Minimum age: 10 years old
- Mask / Snorkel and Dive Computer
What will I do during the PADI Dive Against Debris Speciality Course?
Using the Student Materials
- Dive Against Debris ® Survey Guide
- Dive Against Debris ® Data Card
- Dive Against Debris ® Marine Identification Card
- Dive Against Debris ® Knowledge Reviews
You will:-
Complete independent study using the Dive Against Debris ® Survey Guide; then
Complete the Knowledge Reviews; and
Complete one open water dive following the five steps for recording and reporting data as outlined in the Survey Guide and by the end of the course you will be able to:-
- Plan and complete a scuba dive to remove marine debris from underwater
- Demonstrate judgement in decisions to remove underwater marine debris items
- Demonstrate appropriate and responsible diving practices and behaviours to minimise negative environmental effects
- Complete the five steps to record and report data from Dive Against Debris ® surveys
- If students have access to cameras (includes land and underwater cameras). Take appropriate photographs for data reporting and event promotion
Who should take the PADI Dive Against Debris Speciality Course?
Any one who wants to make a difference and contribute to the global movement of protecting our marine environment
How long does the PADI Dive Against Debris Speciality take?
1 day plus prior reading of the survey guide
Any other costs?
Not included is the Entrance fees / car parking fees for open water site and personal travel costs
What will I do after the PADI Dive Against Debris Speciality Course?
Dive Against Debris surveys provide valuable information about the effects of ocean pollution to help inform and advocate for systemic policy change. Additionally, each report adds to the interactive Dive Against Debris Map where divers (and others) can visualise their impact at a local and global level.
So, a large part of Dive Against Debris is the reporting of your data. This is essential to ensure your data contributes to the global database and helps drive long-term change to address the ongoing marine debris issue. It is easy to do just download the FREE Dive against debris app from Google Play or iTunes
Prior to any Diver training course students need to complete a Mandatory Medical Questionaire.
Please ensure that you have read the Medical Statement and are sure that you will be able to commence any diver training PRIOR to paying as our Training Terms Conditions apply after payment has been made.
A doctor's confirmation of fitness to dive is required if you answer YES to any medical condition on the Medical Statement.
You can check out the Medical Statement here:
PADI Courses:
PADI Medical Statement
SSI Courses:

Red Sea Safari
Our team of highly experienced instructors will be on hand to guide you through every step of the way, and to make sure you have a safe and enjoyable diving experience.