PADI Junior Divemaster
There was a gap between Junior Rescue and Divemaster certifications. But now the gap is closed with the Junior Divemaster course being a subset of the PADI Divemaster course for those aged 15 - 17.
Background to the PADI Junior Divemaster course
The PADI Junior Divemaster course teaches you to be a leader. Through knowledge development sessions, waterskills exercises and workshops, and hands-on practical assessment, you will develop the skills to organise and direct a variety of scuba diving activities. Topics and practical workshops include:
- The role and characteristics of the PADI Divemaster
- Supervising dive activities and assisting with student divers
- Diver safety and risk management
- Divemaster conducted programs and specialized skills
- The business of diving and your career
- Awareness of the dive environment
- Dive setup and management
- Mapping an open water site
- Conducting dive briefings
- Organising a search and recovery project
- Conducting a scuba review and skin diver course
What can Junior Divemasters Do?
Help a PADI Professional with
- Dive site setup
- Shore-based duties
- Dive class setup and organisation
- Skills demonstration when the skill requires a buddy
- Dive site briefing under the direct supervision of a PADI member
- Encourage other divers
You will not be able to work in a supervisory role until you have turned 18 and completed the full Divemaster course
What Will I do as part of my Junior Divemaster course?
- Complete the eLearning self study and the two Junior Divemaster exams. These will be supported by 'in-class' sessions with your Dive Rutland professional mentor to allow you to consolidate your learning, apply to real life diving scenarios and ask questions
- Prepare an Emergency Action Plan for a designated dive site
- Complete the following scored water skills
- 400m swim
- 15-minute tread
- 800 Metre Snorkel / Fin swim nonstop
- 100m Diver Tow - nonstop
- Complete the following in water exercises
- Diver Rescue
- Dive Skills workshop - We will show you how to do all the skills TRULY neutrally buoyant, there's no kneeling here
- Undertake training exercises to test organisational and problem solving abilities
- Refine your personal diving skills
- Work closely with members of the Dive Rutland team and your own personal mentor
- Meet the professionalism criteria from the Divemaster course
What do I need to start my Junior Divemaster Course?
- You need to be 15 to 17 years old (at 18 you can complete the PADI Divemaster certification)
- Minimum logged dives 20 (40 at the time of certification including experience of deep, navigation and night diving)
- PADI Rescue Diver certification or qualifying certification from another training organisation.
- EFR or equivalent certification within the last 24 months
- You need to have a medical statement of fitness to dive signed by a doctor within the last 12 months
- Your own Mask, Snorkel and Computer
Do I have to have my own equipment for the Junior Divemaster Course?
Ideally yes, but we appreciate that you will probably still collecting and saving up for dive equipment, but it is expected that you start to build up your dive equipment particularly if thinking of progressing to a professional diving career.
During your training with us, we will loan you the equipment that you do not have (as long as you are trained in its use)
If you wish to build up your personal dive kit we have lots of equipment packages from leading dive manufacturers available to purchase
Any Other Costs?
- Entrance to open water training sites
- Junior Divemaster application fees - directly payable to PADI
This is not a professional qualification but is a great grounding to continue on and gain the PADI Divemaster certification on turning 18
What are my next steps after the PADI Junior Divemaster course?
Join the professional ranks and become a PADI Divemaster
Last Updated: 1st January 2022
Students who want to become divers must first complete the mandatory course documentation. Known medical conditions are required to be declared and notified to your Instructor prior to any in-water activity. A doctor's confirmation of fitness to dive if answer you to any medical condition on the Medical Statement. You can check out here:
Diving Medical Statement

Red Sea Safari
Our team of highly experienced instructors will be on hand to guide you through every step of the way, and to make sure you have a safe and enjoyable diving experience.