
Waterproof Changing Robes
Being in the UK dive industry means a lot of your surface intervals are spent standing around in all weather conditions so you need to be prepared. It doesn’t matter if you are sat at an inland dive site or...
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Dive and Travel Insurance
Dive Rutland has teamed up with DiveAssure and Dive Master Insurance to provide you with travel and / or dive insurance. Why do you need Dive Insurance? Diving is considered a safe activity, however, in the unfortunate event of a...
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You hear your Dive Rutland Staff members regularly asking you, and gently reminding you that you need to drink water.​We explain why but do you really understand dehydration and its relation to diving? Background The body is 40 to 75...
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Choosing Surface Marker Buoy (SMB)
Choosing Surface Marker Buoy (SMB) Background to Surface Marker Buoys A surface marker buoy (SMB), or more correctly a delayed surface marker buoy (dSMB), is what many divers will affectionately know as a balloon or ‘safety sausage’.For recreational divers, on...
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